
All organizations have to have a certain balance between their drives, fitting to the nature of the organisation. When this balance is disturbed, problems occur. A healthy organisation has congruent parts , encouraging positive behaviours. ICM focuses on the "soft factors" culture and drives. Managers often struggle with these factors, because they seem to lead a life of their own. ICM allows you to measure drives quickly and make culture measurable and manageable.
What are the benefits for my organisation?

At the heart of organisational development lies the congruence principle – the idea that for an organisation to be healthy, its constituent parts must all be aligned, working towards common goals, values and outcomes. In other words, the company needs the right people for the right task with the right working methods, culture and leadership.
In order to help organisations achieve congruence, Management Drives focuses on the “soft” factors – culture and Drives. Managers often struggle with these factors, because they seem difficult to define and pin down, or seem to have developed organically by themselves. ICM can measure these softer factors quickly and reliably, making the organisational culture quantifiable and therefore open to change.
Individual drives are combined into team drives and supplemented by measurements of culture and perception, giving a clear picture of what is happening within the organisation.
Organisational development based on ICM includes the following steps: