Individual and Team
Accreditation Requirements
Professional Indemnity Insurance
You are required to obtain professional indemnity insurance at a recommended cover level of AUS $1 million and to maintain such cover during the currency of your Accreditation with Institute of Collaborative Management.
Product Usage
At Institute of Collaborative Management, we believe competence of our tools comes from real world experience of their use. For this reason, we expect Accredited Practitioners to demonstrate that they have made consistent use of the tools. To meet this requirement we ask our Accredited Practitioner's issue and provide feedback on 15 Individual Behavioural Maps per calendar year.
Product Updates
It is vital that all Institute of Collaborative Management Accredited Practitioners are up to date with all Institute of Collaborative Management products. Whenever there are changes or updates to current products we will issue update documentation to all Accredited Practitioners and expect this material to be studied.