Sydney Water
ICM used to assess cultural alignment for a Collaborative Contract
Sydney Water provides water and wastewater services to the whole of Sydney. An essential part of those services are Mechanical and Electrical maintenance services for all Networks and Treatment Infrastructure, and Facilities Maintenance of the wide range of over 2000 buildings and sites across Sydney. Sydney Water decided to adopt a Collaborative contract model for the next 5 to 7 year services period. ICM was chosen as the methodology to perform the collaborative testing component of the total RFP assessment:
* ICM is the only known methodology that can analyse and assess cultural risk using the Organisation’s risk management system. * ICM risk assessment is fully compliant with AS/NZS 4360:2004 Risk Assessment and AS/NZS 31000 Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines. * ICM is based on a behavioural analysis that enables observation and collaboration of the assessments by the evaluators. * ICM provides a range of supporting visual observation tools that is used by the evaluation team, and cross references the cultural diagnoses based on behavioural profiles.
Application of ICM in the Cultural alignment and cultural risk assessment proved highly successful, and became one of the important risk measures in determining the final outcome of the RFP process.
The contract is worth approx. $560 million over 7 years and has now been awarded. ICM continues to be used for cultural management of the Collaborative Contract.