Individual and Team
Becoming Accredited
The Accreditation process consists of four levels.
* Level 1 – Individual Behavioural Maps
* Level 2 – Team Behavioural Maps and Team Diagnostics
* Level 3 - Master Class (Individual and Team Behavioural Maps)
* Level 4 – Application Training
The training workshops prepare you to use the Institute of Collaborative Management’s products to full advantage so that you achieve the results you need to succeed. A key principle underlying all Accreditation workshops is that of using live data and being debrief ready, so that you are able to apply the products immediately following completion of the workshops.
Level 4 – Application Training
The Institute of Collaborative Management Mission provides a wide range of applications, with training programs associated with each application. These include:
1. Behavioural risk
2. Collaboration and Relationship Management
3. Trust – understanding, developing and maintaining trust in organisations.
4. Employee Engagement
5. Team Development
6. Leadership